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Discover The Best Coffee Places in Larnaca

Larnaca, a charming city on the southern coast of Cyprus, is not just known for its stunning beaches and historic sites but also for its vibrant coffee culture. Whether you’re a local or a tourist, finding the perfect spot to enjoy a cup of coffee can enhance your experience of this beautiful city. Here’s a guide to the best coffee places in Larnaca that you simply must visit.

To Kafe Tis Chrysanthi’s

If you’re looking for a more traditional coffee experience, To Kafe Tis Chrysanthi’s is the place to go. This charming café, with its rustic décor and warm atmosphere, offers a taste of authentic Cypriot hospitality. Their Cypriot coffee, brewed in the traditional style, is a must-try. Pair it with one of their homemade pastries for the ultimate treat.

Nikolaou Rossou

to kafe tis chrysanthi's

Paul’s Coffee Roasters

Paul’s Coffee Roasters is a haven for coffee connoisseurs. Located in the heart of Larnaca, this café is dedicated to providing the highest quality coffee. They roast their own beans, ensuring a fresh and flavorful cup every time. The knowledgeable staff is passionate about coffee and can help you choose the perfect brew to match your taste. It’s a must-visit for anyone serious about their coffee.

Armenian Church Street 35A

paul's coffee roasters

Menta Speciality CoffeeShop

Menta Specialty CoffeeShop is a standout destination for coffee lovers in Larnaca. This café is dedicated to serving top-tier specialty coffee made from carefully selected beans. With a focus on quality and craftsmanship, Menta offers a range of brewing methods, including pour-over and siphon. The sleek, modern décor and knowledgeable baristas make it a perfect spot for those who take their coffee seriously.

Zouhouri Square Larnaka Center

Coffee Island

For those who appreciate specialty coffee, Coffee Island is a must-visit. This popular chain focuses on high-quality beans and offers a variety of brewing methods, including pour-over and cold brew. The knowledgeable staff can help you find the perfect coffee to suit your taste. With several locations around Larnaca, you’re never far from a great cup of coffee.

Larnaca’s coffee scene is as diverse as it is vibrant, offering something for every coffee lover. Whether you prefer a trendy spot or a traditional experience, you’ll find plenty of options to satisfy your coffee cravings. Make sure to visit these top coffee places in Larnaca and enjoy the rich flavors and warm hospitality that this beautiful city has to offer.

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