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Exploring Tirana, Albania’s Vibrant Capital

Nestled between the picturesque hills and adorned with a unique blend of Ottoman, Italian, and Soviet influences, Tirana, the capital of Albania, is a city that captivates visitors with its vibrant energy and rich history. Once a drab communist city, Tirana has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, emerging as a modern and dynamic metropolis. From its colorful buildings and bustling boulevards to its burgeoning art scene and warm hospitality, Tirana offers an enticing tapestry of experiences. I am sure that exploring Tirana will leave a lasting impression.

Tirana’s roots date back to the Ottoman Empire. It truly came into its own as the capital of Albania in 1920. The city’s history is evident in its architectural heritage, with a mix of Ottoman-era mosques, elegant Italian-style buildings, and imposing communist-era structures. The iconic Et’hem Bey Mosque, with its intricate frescoes and delicate minaret, stands as a testament to the city’s past. Skanderbeg Square, the heart of Tirana, pays homage to the national hero and showcases landmarks like the National History Museum and the Opera and Ballet Theatre.

Because we were flying to Tirana, we decided to spend an extra night there before heading to Shkodër and the Albanian Alps, so we could properly explore the capital of Albania.

In this Tirana travel guide I will give you my reasons why I think Tirana is worth a visit.

Unveiling the past

Tirana’s history is like a tapestry woven with threads of various civilizations. Begin your day at the Skanderbeg Square, named after the national hero who defended Albania against the Ottoman Empire. The grand monument and historic buildings encircling the square pay homage to the nation’s struggle for independence.

One can’t help but be awestruck by the remnants of the Ottoman influence, represented by the striking Ethem Bey Mosque. Its intricate frescoes and architecture offer a glimpse into the city’s multifaceted heritage. Equally captivating is the Pyramid of Tirana, an architectural relic with a controversial past, now serving as a canvas for street artists, blending history with modern expression.

national history museum tirana
National History Museum of Tirana

pyramid of tirana

Talking about the past of Tirana, there is one more thing you need to put on your Tirana itinerary. I’m talking about BunkArt.

Bunk’Art is a fascinating historical and cultural site located in Tirana. It’s a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the country’s complex history, particularly its period of communist rule. Bunk’Art consists of two distinct locations – Bunk’Art 1 and Bunk’Art 2:

  • Bunk’Art 1: This underground bunker, originally designed as a nuclear fallout shelter for Albania’s political elite, has been transformed into a museum that offers a glimpse into the country’s communist past. As you descend into the depths of the bunker, you’ll explore a series of rooms that house exhibitions, photographs, documents, and multimedia displays. The exhibits provide insights into the harsh realities of life under Enver Hoxha’s dictatorship, showcasing the regime’s propaganda, surveillance tactics, and the experiences of ordinary Albanians during that time. The stark contrast between the bunker’s intended purpose and the historical context it now presents is both chilling and enlightening.
  • Bunk’Art 2: This second installment of Bunk’Art is located in a different bunker and focuses on the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was responsible for the surveillance and repression of citizens during the communist era. Bunk’Art 2 explores the intelligence-gathering operations, methods of control, and the impact of the regime on individuals and families. The immersive exhibitions are thought-provoking and provide a window into the mechanisms that kept the population under strict control.

As you explore Bunk’Art, you’ll likely leave with a profound appreciation for the resilience of the Albanian people and the strides the country has made toward democracy and openness. It’s a testament to the importance of preserving history as a way to ensure that such events are never forgotten and are understood in the context of the broader human experience. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a curious traveler, or simply someone interested in learning more about Albania, Bunk’Art is an essential stop on your journey.

Embracing Modernity

As the sun sets, Tirana transforms into a lively hub of modern culture. Explore the Blloku district, once off-limits during communist rule, now a trendy neighborhood buzzing with cafes, boutiques, and vibrant nightlife. Indulge in local flavors at farm-to-table restaurants that offer a taste of Albanian cuisine, a harmonious blend of Mediterranean and Balkan influences.

Art lovers will be delighted by the city’s thriving creative scene. The colorful facades of buildings in the New Bazaar display the work of local artists, turning the streets into an open-air gallery. Visit the National Gallery of Arts to witness a collection spanning centuries, celebrating Albanian artistic achievements.

Remarkable religious diversity

Tirana is known for its remarkable religious diversity. This diversity is a result of Albania’s unique history, where various religious groups have coexisted for centuries. The city is a prime example of religious harmony and tolerance, making it a fascinating place to explore different faiths and cultures. I was most impressed by the mosque, built in the Ottoman style. It reminded me of the mosques in Istanbul.

Mesmerizing Markets

Venture into the chaos of the Pazari i Ri, the new market, where locals gather to buy and sell an array of goods. The market is a symphony of colors and aromas, offering fresh produce, traditional crafts, and a glimpse into daily life. Engage with the warm-hearted locals and let the market’s authenticity leave a mark on your soul.

pazari i ri

Escape the urban bustle

Escape the urban bustle and ascend Mount Dajti via the Dajti Ekspres cable car for a breathtaking panoramic view of the city and surrounding landscapes. The mountain offers a sanctuary for hikers and nature enthusiasts, with trails that lead through lush forests and meadows. Take a deep breath of crisp mountain air and feel rejuvenated by Tirana’s natural beauty. Honestly, I had no idea that Albania’s nature is so stunning!

Enjoy in the warmth and hospitality

Tirana’s charm isn’t just in its physical attractions; it’s in the hospitality of its people. Albanians are renowned for their warmth and welcoming nature, making your stay an unforgettable experience. Engage in conversations and learn about their rich traditions.

Albanian people are no strangers to the trials of history. Throughout centuries of conquests, occupations, and shifting borders, they have demonstrated an indomitable spirit. This spirit is embodied in the concept of “Besa,” an unwavering commitment to honor, trust, and protection. This ancient tradition has allowed Albanians to navigate through challenges with an unbreakable sense of unity.

From the moment you set foot on Albanian soil, you’ll be enveloped in a sense of genuine hospitality that’s deeply rooted in their culture. It’s not uncommon for strangers to be welcomed as honored guests. This is a reflection of the Albanian belief that a guest is a gift from God. Prepare to be overwhelmed by gestures of kindness, hearty laughter, and heartfelt conversations that effortlessly bridge cultural gaps.

Public transport in Tirana

Moving around Albania can be a little bit challenging. I will give you some information about public transport in the city of Tirana & around the country.

Public transport in Albania is an essential and widely used mode of transportation for both locals and visitors. It consists of various options, including buses, minibuses (known as furgons) and taxis. While Albania’s public transport system is continually improving, it is important to note that infrastructure and service levels can vary across different regions of the country. The reason I am telling you about intercity travel is that most of you will certainly be travelling from Tirana to somewhere else in the country.


Buses are the most common form of public transport in Albania. They operate in urban areas, connecting neighborhoods within cities, as well as intercity routes, linking different towns and regions. In major cities like Tirana, Durres, and Vlore, there are designated bus stations where buses depart and arrive at regular intervals. However, in smaller towns and rural areas, bus stops may be less formal, and buses can often be flagged down along the main roads. It is advisable to check the bus schedules in advance. They may not run as frequently during evenings or weekends. If you have any question related to your journey, don’t hesitate and ask the locals. They will know the best and they are willing to help.

Focusing on Tirana, the way to pay for the bus is to board the bus at the station and wait for the ticket inspector to come to you during the journey. You then pay him and get a ticket from the block. Tirana is very walkable city and I was exploring Tirana only by foot. But since this was my starting point, I also had to use the city bus to get to the regional bus station.


Furgons are a unique mode of public transport in Albania, especially popular for intercity travel. These minibuses typically accommodate around 10-20 passengers and operate on specific routes, connecting towns and cities across the country. Furgons depart from designated locations, often near major bus stations, and they typically wait until they are full before departing. Furgons can be an efficient way to travel shorter distances between towns. But they may not adhere strictly to timetables, so it is advisable to check the departure times in advance.

tirana bus terminal


Taxis are widely available in Albania, particularly in urban areas. They are convenient door-to-door transportation. You can hail them on the street or found them at designated taxi stands. Taxis in Albania do not always use meters. It is important to agree on the fare before starting the journey. It is advisable to use licensed taxis or reputable taxi companies to ensure safety and fair pricing.

Mostly, I’ve been exploring Tirana on foot, but since my flight back was early in the morning, I had to use taxi to get to the airport. When we came, we used the Tirana Airport taxi and the price to the city centre was 23 EUR. During our stay in Albania I did some research and found the Blue Taxi Tirana. It has pretty good reviews and the price was only 11 EUR to get to the airport.

Other places to visit in Albania:

The best area to stay in Tirana

Choosing the best area to stay in Tirana depends on your preferences, interests, and the kind of experience you’re seeking. Tirana offers a variety of neighborhoods, each with its own unique charm and offerings. Here are a few popular areas to consider for your stay:

  • Blloku (The Block): This trendy and lively neighborhood has transformed into a bustling hub of cafes, restaurants, boutiques. It also has the most vibrant nightlife. It’s a great choice if you enjoy being in the heart of the city’s modern and social scene. Blloku is also conveniently located near major attractions and landmarks.
  • Skanderbeg Square: Staying near Skanderbeg Square puts you in the heart of Tirana’s historical and cultural center. You’ll be within walking distance of iconic landmarks. This area offers a mix of historical significance and urban convenience.
  • Pazari i Ri (New Bazaar): If you’re a fan of authenticity and local experiences, consider staying near Pazari i Ri. This area is a treasure trove of traditional markets, local crafts, and authentic Albanian cuisine. The laid-back atmosphere will give you a chance to immerse yourself in local daily life.

Tirana, the beating heart of Albania, offers a tapestry of experiences that blends its storied history with its vibrant present. The city has something for every visitor. From its architectural wonders and cultural landmarks to its natural beauty and delicious cuisine. As Tirana continues to evolve and embrace its future, it remains deeply rooted in its traditions and heritage, creating a fascinating destination. So, pack your bags and immerse yourself in the colorful energy of Tirana.

From its storied past to its vibrant present, Tirana is a city that offers a kaleidoscope of experiences for every traveler. As you leave with memories etched in your heart, remember that Tirana’s allure lies not just in its landmarks, but in the stories it shares and the stories it inspires – a true testament to the power of exploration and connection. Until we meet again on another exciting voyage, may your journeys be as rich and diverse as the vibrant city of Tirana.

Have you visited Tirana yet? Share your thoughts with me and share this post if you like it.


  • Terri

    August 12, 2023 at 2:24 PM

    Did you discover a local walking tour that you could recommend? I’d love to learn from a local about the Ottoman influence on the architecture of the Ethem Bey Mosque and other historic structures.

  • Pam

    August 13, 2023 at 6:55 PM

    Tirana sounds incredible. I would love to go up Mount Dajti And see the views of the landscapes. You really put Albania on my list just with this post! Can’t want to read more!


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